Looking for Recommendations on HD TV Antenna's for the Tab

I specifically have a Tab 320 Boondock. I'm trying to figure out the best options for an OTA HD TV Antenna to use. I tested an indoor flat antenna Leaf but the Tab seems to be a really good signal blocker! So the indoor is a nonstarter. I have all the tools for modifying cabling and making ends but I'm asking to see who has what experience with which products and how you routed the lines in. I thought it'd be really cool if I could find a mounting solution that used the Yakima Track to add a mount to minimize penetrations on the roof.


  • TampakayakerTampakayaker Member Posts: 558
    Do you have a coax connector on the side above the water inlet like a regular 320?

    There are numerous outdoor antennas on Amazon that utilize a pole.  Rig up a mount on the track that you can slip a pole onto. Some even come with a rotator.
    2006 RAM 1500 4 door, 2016 T@B 320 MAX S 
    Tampa FL
  • cmcelhosecmcelhose Member Posts: 13
    Yes but I'm inclined to a once and done solution instead of another thing to throw up after arrival solution. I'd rather just leave that port for cable hookups at campgrounds and have a mounted permanent solution for road trips if we stop to eat or if we are boondocking.
  • TampakayakerTampakayaker Member Posts: 558
    Maybe this will work or maybe not since there are different setups.

    On my 320, I drilled a hole thru the plastic behind the license plate to get power for my back up camera.  Just run the coax down the rack to that area.

    The wiring came out inside of my headboard.  I had to cut a square out of the silver insulboard to work on the wiring then taped it back into place.

    If you have a similar setup, from that space you can go thru the drivers side bed area to the wall the TV is mounted on.  

    Once the cable is run just a quick dab of silicon will seal the hole you drilled.

    2006 RAM 1500 4 door, 2016 T@B 320 MAX S 
    Tampa FL
  • cmcelhosecmcelhose Member Posts: 13
    What backup camera did you use? How do you use it with the Tow Vehicle? That is another addon I'm interested in.
  • TampakayakerTampakayaker Member Posts: 558
    I got this from Amazon

    LeeKooLuu F09 HD 1080P Wireless Backup Camera 5’’ Display Digital Signals 2021 Newest Chips for Trucks,Small RVs,Campers,Cars Two Video Channels Hitch Rear/Front View Observation System Night Vision.

    It came with a wireless license plate camera I mounted on my truck.

    In the instructions there was an email to get a free second wireless camera.  They had a small license plate one that mounted above one bolt, or an "RV" type that was larger and looked like it was for a larger RV roofline.

    To get the free one I had to send them pictures of the first camera install, then post the picture and review the setup on Amazon.  Once it got posted they wanted a screen shot of the review, and in a week the second camera arrived.

    I wired the T@B camera up to the license plate wiring so anytime I have the trucks lights on the camera is on.

    I had wired the truck camera and monitor to my backup light power so it came on when backing up.  But the original package came with a plug for a cigarette lighter power so I used that when I was towing and could watch traffic coming up on me. 

    Image was clear and steady.  I was on back roads so I only got up to about 55-60.
    2006 RAM 1500 4 door, 2016 T@B 320 MAX S 
    Tampa FL
  • N7SHG_HamN7SHG_Ham Member Posts: 1,261
    I have seen more than one review giving this good marks: KING OmniGo Portable Omnidirectional Over-The-Air HDTV Antenna

    That isn't a permanent mount and I think is usually hooked to the outside coax connector.

    With a Tab, you don't have a big flat roof to mount something like this.

    You will also need to "y" the coax somehow if you don't want to use the existing connector and that probably requires a coax switch for a or b source.

    Personally I would get something like the Omni and go portable.
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
  • JeffroNCJeffroNC Member Posts: 366
    It is time for @verna to post the paper clip photo!
    2019 T@B 400 BDL 2017 F150 3.5L Ecoboost
    Jeff & Amy
    Now in Manistee, MI

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    😂😂😂😂😂 @JeffroNC
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • gulfareagulfarea Member Posts: 524
    I did this and it worked very well! The coax is stripped of its outer shield leaving about 20 inches and I ran it up (180 degrees)  into the rail going up. I am a Ham radio man and this should not have worked but IT DOES! Art
    2019 TaB 320 S Boondock Edge
  • ontheroadontheroad Member Posts: 485
    We use a portable that we can mount to a telescoping painter's pole that we can attach by the pull handle...have only used it once so far...not really into watching tv, but it's nice to catch some news while traveling. Set up doesn't take that long and easily stowed between set up.
    Former 2017 T@G Max XL
    2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
    2018 Nissan Pathfinder
    Ontario, Canada
  • DalehelmanDalehelman Member Posts: 2,414
    This has worked well for us. It’s Omni directional so nothing to aim or set up. It also has its own booster. Search Omni directional TV antenna on Amazon.

    1. Hash  T@B Fun
  • I have a King omni-go on a tripod. I absolutly LOVE it. 
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