
Wrap vs Paint

I am back in line, waiting to get my T@B. I looked at many trailers and was drawn to the T@B because of it's design and look.  My problem is I love the way the trim outlines the trailer's silhouette but my model won't have the trim. It looks very plain next to the regular models. I had thought to have the "Trim" look done with a vinyl wrap. However the technical issues with fine details on a wrap make putting a border around the edges of the trailer almost impossible or impossibly expensive. They can do a lot with a wrap but the most important detail for me in doing a wrap was to mimic the trim around the trailer's silhouette and that is just not gonna happen. So I am now going back to having the trailer painted, if that is even an option.  Anyone out there have any experience with getting their T@B painted by an airbrush artist? Does the surface allow or take paint well? Any information would be appreciated. 

The Mouse house and me


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