I think the white wire from the negative battery terminal is the Alde ground (can anyone confirm this) and the separate red wire connection is the heater. Want to know what the small red wire from the positive terminal is. It has a piece of black tape around it. Thanks
2017 T@B 320 Outback 2023 400 BD (IdahoTabato) pushing a 2023 Volvo XC90
0 ·
(-17.7° C) and no insulation, the heater function will be continuously on. With no
external loads and no external charging, this will give your roughly 48 hours of heating
capability before your battery will go into low voltage disconnect. With warmer
temperatures and, or insulation, you will consume less power allowing you to extend the
usage time.
Please note: this information is based on the BB10012H model and may vary between
Heated Batteries and Your External Monitoring Devices
All of the power used for the internal heating function is within the battery. This means if
you have an external monitoring device, such as a BMV, that power will not be recorded if
or when the heating function turns on. The monitoring device will need to be recalibrated
@DaveC 's installation does not have a Shunt for monitoring battery.
** As there is a direct connection between Battery Neg and the 12VDC Distribution Block
My Guess is the White Wire on the Neg Terminal is the Solar Panel Controller Ground with the smaller Red Wire on the POS Terminal the Controller Positive.
Reference: see below comments
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
2025 Silverado (EV) or 2019 Colorado (ICE)
2018 T@B 320 Sold
Racing the Wind and Chasing the Sun
Virginia Beach, VA
2025 Silverado (EV) or 2019 Colorado (ICE)
2018 T@B 320 Sold
Racing the Wind and Chasing the Sun
Virginia Beach, VA
It is odd that nüCamp now connects the Alde ground directly to the Battery Terminal, that would have been useful back in the model 3010 days. These days we just don't see many model 3020 grounding issues even when the Adle ground does not go to the battery terminal.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920