I installed a lock for the Tub. Here’s the details:
- All parts purchased at Home Depot (although Lowes has the same lock).
- Used Dremel to cut the 10-32 bolts flush.
- 10-32 lock nuts are the same width as the space between the lid and tub, so it shuts tight. Only room for one lock. Leaves scratches where it closes.
- Had to bend the latch twice to make it close flat (necessary to twist the lock).
- The top latch uses 10-32 The bottom uses 8-32. Use a 3/16 drill bit for both.
- Generates lots of shavings (sharp for tender bare feet) so be careful to sweep when done.
- It’s possible to lift the other corner but impossible to open enough room to remove the battery or LP. Would have to pop the lock to get anything.
Ultimately, no guarantee against a prepared thief with a crowbar. But Dad always said “Locks are there to keep honest people honest.” And besides… I’d rather them pop the lock than destroy the whole tub. Anyway, I’m happy with it.
The other night I was lying there in my bed, looking up at the stars, and thought "Hey, wait a sec, where the heck's the ceiling!?!"
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