2021 T@B 400 front Window Replacement

A number of people have had their front window fall out, and had damage to the plastic part of the hinge at the top of the window, an acknowledged design flaw.  NuCamp and Trans Atlantic redesigned this window for 2022 and 2023 trailers.  I want to replace my broken window with the new design, but Dan at Transatlantic advised this requires the existing aluminum hinge be removed from the trailer and a new channel be screwed in, using new holes and slightly different positioning.  I reached out to NuCamp for guidance on how to retrofit the new style window and was advised, “Unfortunately, we do not provide any instructions or install processes to customers for aftermarket modifications on any of our models, these are only provided to certified dealer techs”…that’s great but certified dealer techs are not always available….SO I turn to this forum.  Has anyone retrofitted the new redesigned window style into their 2021 or perhaps 2020 Tab 400, and if so, could you share your experience?


  • TowheeTowhee Member Posts: 54
    I recently replaced the window on our 320 bd.  After removing the old hinge and thoroughly cleaning caulk residue we placed the new window in the aperture.  The locks all lined up perfectly with my wife inside locking them while I held the window from outside.  While locked in place I traced the hinge location onto the trailer.  Then we removed the tape cover from the caulk on the hinge and locked the window in place again.  The caulk holds well enough to test the window function which was perfect.  Next I drilled the new holes and screwed the assembly down.  It's been raining solid for three days with no leaks.  Job was not as scary as I imagined.  New design is much better.
  • TabulatorJimTabulatorJim Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2023

    Does anyone out there know who manufactures the windows for the 2018 Tab 320S? The reason I ask is the plastic border on one of the windows is cracked and I would like to replace this before it breaks. It would be helpful to have the assembly guide to understand how this is accomplished.

    Thanks for any help provided.


    UPDATE: Please note I found much of the information asked for in the thread

    "DIY Replacement for Inner Windows Shade/Screen"

  • DisenchantedDisenchanted Member Posts: 9
    Like Towhee, i just replaced a window on my T@B 400 with the new style with hinge... a big design improvement.  I documented my process in the attached procedure.  Hope this is helpful to others.  Job took 3 hours because i went very slow.  Not difficult, should be in the realm of most people who own these trailers.  
  • RickyRicky Member Posts: 27
    I have a 2022 tab 400. my third time out the front window came off hinge. I have no idea why it came off as it did. I'm in process of getting help to put back in. question, in pic you have stated passenger side but drivers side is circled. I'm not sure which side to slide window back in, I've heard you start sliding in from drivers side to passenger side. I've also heard it can only slide in one way, can anyone here give me a shout which way? P.S., Looks like the newer style hinge.

  • RickyRicky Member Posts: 27
    looks as though my camper was built earlier in 2022 and didn't get the newer hinge. I've got both back in track but they still jump off when opening the Windows. yes, that's right, my back window was off track also. wish I had known about this when I purchased. I did my homework before I bought, I guess this wasn't an issue then. I bought the 2022 because of the new floor design. I haven't heard back from the dealer yet.
  • RickyRicky Member Posts: 27
    I had my windows fall out my second trip out and out of warranty. NuCamp mailed the windows too dealer in Arkansas and installed both at costs around $700. The new design is a definite improvement.
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