Issue with 2021 T@B 320s Boondock AC

First of all, my wife and I really love our 2021 T@B 320s Boondock trailer. We bought it used. All seemed well when we looked it iver but now I am seeing several issues that, frankly, worry me about our purchase!

Air8 AC 
The Air8 AC works but only cools down 10 degrees at best. I have already cleaned the filters (not really dirty) but found the entire unit dirty on the outside. I figured that either it needed a recharge or the coils were dirty. Upon reading other posts on this forum leads me to believe this is a Chinese unit with no real alternatives. Today, as I was testing it again, it began to leak condensation into the cabin (first time). I got under the RV and the drain seamed clear. The trailer is level so I am confused on what is happening or how to fix it. I also noted that the AC unit can move forward and backward a couple of inches. The strap is tight so again, I am not sure what is happening. Any advice?

Alde System
Was getting ready to fill the water tanks and switch on the Alde for a test run. After watching a YouTube video, I removed the bathroom plate to check the level of the antifreeze heat transfer coolant. The tank was empty! I have reached out by phone and e-mail to the three Midwest NuCamp dealerships (Indiana and Ohio). They are booked out past 90 days. However, one dealer told me that I would probably need to replace both units!

I am frustrated and feel that perhaps I made a bad choice with NuCamp.... Oh, and by the way, NuCamp has not responded to any of my inquiries!

Sorry...I am stressing over this...
Karen, Bret & Banana Widdifield
2021 T@B 320s Boondock "Pull-T@B"
2024 Nissan frontier Pro-4X
South-Central Indiana


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,064
    The Alde just needs...glycol.  At least, glycol enough to see if the Alde is working.  Why a dealer would say you "need to replace the Alde" because the glycol is low....well.  (They may have been thinking you need to replace the glycol, which is "normal".)
    There are two options on the glycol: we would need to sort out what glycol you have in your trailer, which can get complicated.  Did you ever check the glycol before and note the color?  The "tank" is an expansion tank for the warm glycol.  You could have plenty of glycol in the system, just not enough to "expand" into the tank.  The complication on adding the glycol you need is the glycol "color" (to keep this simple) changed in Dec 2020.  Check the "build date" of your trailer.  That month/date designation is on a gray sticker on the driver's side of the tongue.  Once you have that, we can make an educated guess on which type of glycol to buy to add to your Alde.

    I know the Air 8 did have some issues with "moving" in the location it is installed.  There are also some issues with the location of the thermostat.
    Look over this thread from several years ago.

    NuCamp does take some time off at various times during the year, which might be the issue you are having with  contacting them.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • McbretMcbret Member Posts: 15
    Hello pthomas745,
    Thanks for the thread. I will look into making the appropriate changes to stop the Air 8 movement. 

    As for the AC not cooling sufficiently, NuCamp did contact me by e-mail and asked where is my AC sensor located. They said it is a round, black plastic piece up to 2". I could find nothing. After looking through this forum (seems NuCamp moved the location in 2021), I searched YouTube and found that the Air 8, for that year, should have an AC power cord, a Control Panel cable, and a sensor cable. The sensor cable is either clipped to the AC plenum or mounted by the Left Speaker. In my case, I do not have the sensor or cable at all. So, NuCamp is stating that I need to have it serviced...

    From YouTube:

    My Unit: Only Control Panel wire and AC line. No wire of clip to plenum

    The manufacturing date for the trailer is labeled as Feb 2021
    I used my cell phone to take a picture inside the tank (expansion tank) located behind the cassette toilet. The picture isn't great but shows that there is no glycol in the tank. Actually, it looks pristine and now I wonder if there was ever any glycol installed. The people I bought it from said they never used it!
    I have not tried to drain it yet but I can press on the rubber glycol lines to the radiators and they are pretty soft which I believe indicates there is no fluid.

    Since this is a 2021 model built after Jan 2021, I would assume it takes the newest glycol. Correct?

    On another subject, I see you list your trailer information at the bottom of your messages. How did you do that?


    Karen, Bret & Banana Widdifield
    2021 T@B 320s Boondock "Pull-T@B"
    2024 Nissan frontier Pro-4X
    South-Central Indiana
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,064
    What I see at the bottom of your glycol tank is "blue".  Which, in theory, is the "new Rhomar type" glycol, which This is what the "newest" glycol should look like.   I'm guessing....that the level of glycol has slowly evaporated (the glycol is about 50 percent distilled water). If you get a chance, go back there and see if that "blue" is actually liquid.  Does it move a little if you tap on the tank?  If so, your glycol may be just a cup or two low. You could easily purchase some of the "Alde Truma" glycol from Amazon and add enough to run the Alde.
    There are ways to move the glycol in the trailer with the pump, without any of the glycol being heated.  Easy to do, you can get the glycol moving and see how much flows into the tank...and confirm the color. 
    The glycol in the system is not "pressurized".  It would be normal to have some flex in the hoses.  Once we can get your glycol level proper in the tank (see your Alde manual for how much should be in the tank) you should be able to sort out your Alde test.
    This is the thread that taught me how to add profile information, pictures, etc.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • McbretMcbret Member Posts: 15
    Thanks. I'll take another look but when I shook the tank a bit, I did not see liquid movement. However, I am a big guy and it is difficult to see. I will use a bright flashlight tomorrow, move the tank and have my wife check for movement. Thanks for your help!! also, thanks for the profile info!!
    Karen, Bret & Banana Widdifield
    2021 T@B 320s Boondock "Pull-T@B"
    2024 Nissan frontier Pro-4X
    South-Central Indiana
  • McbretMcbret Member Posts: 15
    Hello pthomas745,
    I did look today and you were correct! It is blue fluid. I just ordered a gallon of the Alde Truma Glycol per your link. Instructions state that I am to fill between the min and max line while cold. Once I do that, I'll power up the Alde!! Thanks again....
    Karen, Bret & Banana Widdifield
    2021 T@B 320s Boondock "Pull-T@B"
    2024 Nissan frontier Pro-4X
    South-Central Indiana
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,064
    Great!  Let us know how things go when you start it up. If it hasn't been started in a while, you may get an error on the Alde screen.  They can be a bit cryptic.  Make a note of the error.  You can reset the error by turning off the Alde, unplugging from shore power and turning off the battery switch for a moment or so.  This resets the error and you can try running the Alde again.  If the error persists, let us know and there is plenty of good info.
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • McbretMcbret Member Posts: 15
    Thanks. Will try tomorrow!!
    Karen, Bret & Banana Widdifield
    2021 T@B 320s Boondock "Pull-T@B"
    2024 Nissan frontier Pro-4X
    South-Central Indiana
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