Evaluating used trailer mechanicals - hooking up required?

When shopping for a used trailer it would seem imperative to determine whether the mechanical systems are working well. Is it common for dealers or individuals to offer to hook up their systems to test these items out? Are there other ways to inspect or determine health of the systems? This would seem to be problematic during off season in colder climates.

I have been reading through threads here for a while and I'm so impressed with how friendly and helpful this community is. In case there's another thread about this topic that I've missed I apologize. I'm still getting my bearings here.


  • Grumpy_GGrumpy_G Member Posts: 565
    Based on my sample size of three (one dealer, two private party)  I'd say it's common to have the trailer hooked up to power and having some water in the tank. Obviously in the winter a trailer may be winterized so you might want to wait until spring. 
  • bunnytracksbunnytracks Member Posts: 2
    Thank you for sharing your experience. Winter purchases would seem to be more challenging to evaluate and potentially more risky. I am glad to hear that during regular season I can expect to test things more fully. It’s not a trivial purchase decision for sure. 
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