360 CS Battery location


We saw a 360CS today at the Philly RV show.  It was the a Boondock version (not full lithium package).  Just want to pass onto others the location of the battery which is located in the bottom drawer below the counter.  Have to give it some thought of how to add a second battery and/or inverter which we have in our 320.  An inverter could fit in the lower drawer the right.  A second battery not so sure yet.  We are moving forward with our purchase, but will have to figure this out.  We like the convienance having an inverter to use  microwave, hot water pot  or other  AC electrical devices for a few minutes when there is no power.  

The 360 S has the battery below the passenger side bed at the rear.  

2021 TAB 320 BD
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,060
    That positive battery post is a bit crowded?
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 456
    That positive battery post is a bit crowded?
    Agree, a change to a busbar is in order.
    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • EasternJLEasternJL Member Posts: 57
    Wow, that's kind of ridiculous.  And there's another fairly large drawer you can't use.  In that whole camper, that's the only place you could find to put a battery?  A kitchen drawer?  Perhaps someone can find out where the batteries go if you get the lithium package.  
  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 456
    edited March 1
    EasternJL said:
    Wow, that's kind of ridiculous.  And there's another fairly large drawer you can't use.  In that whole camper, that's the only place you could find to put a battery?  A kitchen drawer?  Perhaps someone can find out where the batteries go if you get the lithium package.  
    Sort of agree.  I believe the NuCamp Rep. at the show said the lithium pacakge goes under the trailer.  But I need others to substantiate, if I heard that correctly.  

    I'm guessing there is not room under the rear bench for a battery, like in the 360S, because of the space the outdoor kitchen takes in the rear.  The Truma Saphire is in the back below the bench.
    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • EasternJLEasternJL Member Posts: 57
    Yep.  I put that poll up about whether Nucamp should add a sink to the inside counter (CS), but seeing stuff like this gives me a lot of pause when thinking about this camper at all.  That battery placement isn't something you'd expect on a trailer in this price range.  And if the lithium package moves all this equipment under the trailer, that sounds like it might be worse.  
  • BillJ70BillJ70 Member Posts: 34
    I was kind of surprised to see the battery located outside in the front container on the 320 Lite, but I think I'd take that over this.  As you guys said-- where on earth are you going to put a second battery and the lithium package equipment?  And if you put it outside, how are you going to keep it warm (black canyon).  
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,060
    I've heard of one other prospective owner asking if the  360 had the "battery under the trailer" and I'm having trouble picturing where that could possibly be.
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 585
    Not a well thought out location.
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
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  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 456

    A quick update.  I contacted Nucamp of where extra batteries could be located inside a 360CS.  They pointed me to a storage location under the driver side bed.  Another CS owner (who has taken delivery) also told me of this empty storage area that matches what is  found in the  360S (shown in picture).  Not sure why they selected  the drawer, other than maybe with all the available storage in a 360,  the drawer was selected over the larger compartment under the bed.  Anyways, it's good know there is plenty of space for a second battery and an inverter for a 360CS .

    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • BillJ70BillJ70 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 3
    @Yoshi_TAB Well, that's crazy.  I can't imagine the logic here-- other than just wanting to preserve some nice under seat/bed storage.  Did you happen to ask them where the batteries and inverter, etc.- go if you get the lithium package?  And why not just have a standard location for all the battery equipment.  

    And if I remember correctly, I believe the battery is under the passenger side rear seat area on the regular 360.   Does anyone have a picture of that compartment on the regular 360?  I know @Gomers2 posted some pics of that area when he was repairing the seat, but not one of the battery compartment.

    Perhaps when you get your 360 CS and have time you could provide some additional photos of where all the equipment lives.  
  • Yoshi_TABYoshi_TAB Member Posts: 456
    edited March 3
    BillJ70 said:
     regular 360.   Does anyone have a picture of that compartment on the regular 360?  
    Below is a 360S battery compartment.

    The battery location change probably has to do with the design required in the rear  for the outdoor kitchen.

    I can see perserving the larger space  on the side if needed by the user.  

    The CS model is 16" longer over all.  Everything inside is the same.  

    Someone who just took delivery of a CS is suppose to send me pictures.

    It's fine with us...we go out for months at a time don't even use all our indoor space in  our 320.  I'm just happy there is room and it will be  easy  to add  two batteries and in my case an inverter.  Was not interested in the lithium package as I can easily put in  almost the same capacity for more than 1/2 the price.

    2021 TAB 320 BD
    2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    Southern Maryland
  • BillJ70BillJ70 Member Posts: 34
    Thanks, @Yoshi_TAB!  Yeah- I had the lithium on the 320 and my plan would be to just add my own additional battery and inverter, if I get the 360 (as you said, much less expensive).  It seems to me that on either model (360 or 360 CS), when you add the additional battery and inverter, you'd want to move them all to the same location (to that storage location under the bed).  But maybe not?  Please share your setup when it happens--- photos and equipment, etc.  BTW, you are going with 3 batteries?
  • EasternJLEasternJL Member Posts: 57
    I asked Nucamp about where things go if you get the Lithium package.  Sounds like instead of getting extra batteries, you just get a bigger, single battery (270ah)....which is installed UNDER the camper... 

    From Nucamp:
    "The Victron MultiPlus inverter/charger is installed on the inside of the under the bench seating. The 270amp Battle Born lithium battery is installed on the underbelly on the outside of the unit close to the axle, you would have to remove a panel to access"
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,060
    @EasternJL thank you for that wonderful nugget of info. 
    That makes the "battery in the kitchen drawer" idea look almost "good".
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
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