Jill just let me know she is planning to cancel her site (C89). Let Becky (Homebodyatheart) know if you are interested and she can put you two in touch. MaryHer email; Tab.LincolnRockGathering@gmail.com
@grsiepka - We are not the ones to answer this... we bought ours used. But we are envious you get a walkthru from the dealer. Make sure you know where all the fuses are (that was hard for us to find)… (View Post)
@RoseK - good eye! We drove Spokane to Glacier and back and saw NONE!We love playing "See a T@b"... keep up posting here folks. One day someone will see us! (traveling down the road... not … (View Post)
@wooper - sounds like a great trip. LOVE Durango... my kids vividly remember taking the Durango to Silverton train. Safe travels and let us know how it went when you get back. Resize and post pics to… (View Post)
@jameskuzman - Welcome to the family!!! Looks like a great set up. Be sure to share your T@bventures here with us so we know how things go!!! (View Post)