Jill just let me know she is planning to cancel her site (C89). Let Becky (Homebodyatheart) know if you are interested and she can put you two in touch. MaryHer email; Tab.LincolnRockGathering@gmail.com
@Pintoplumber- Perfect! I agree with a weekend is fine... longer needs more. Have to decide on something like your set up (which I am leaning towards for our week to 10 days in one spot trips) or a b… (View Post)
We purchased ours two months used. Nucamp didn’t even want our contact info for recalls. Told us the warranty did not transfer. But we knew that going in, and T@bs are great quality and we had no iss… (View Post)
@incidentalmusic - I agree with Sharon... we have a CS-S and have never had a bottoming out problem except for the occasional driveway/gas station. Now we do not do a MandyLea and cross creek beds, e… (View Post)
@lkc001- I am a bit biased... only telling you this for you to know where I am coming from, not to judge others or discuss the pros and cons of generators... but we choose to not own a generator. DH … (View Post)