Jill just let me know she is planning to cancel her site (C89). Let Becky (Homebodyatheart) know if you are interested and she can put you two in touch. MaryHer email; Tab.LincolnRockGathering@gmail.com
@dsfdogs - It is all in your welcome packet... but dessert is 7PM Thursday, Dinner is 6PM Friday, and Happy Hour is officially 6PM, but come whenever you are ready ;) (View Post)
@Homebodyatheart , @Tabinator , @MuttonChops , @Travelbugs , @Dalehelman , @Vikings , and all other Spokane vicinity t@bbers... BrEaKfAsT!!!!!Both Cougs will be there :p (View Post)
@Tabinator - The plan is that there will be a May breakfast :) Watch here as @Homebodyatheart will confirm middle of next week. Looking forward to meeting you!!! (View Post)
A little more than a month away!!! :smile: Don't forget, we need you to put your name on our spread sheet or there will not be a welcome packet or memento for you. ;) It is easy... just go to this li… (View Post)