Jill just let me know she is planning to cancel her site (C89). Let Becky (Homebodyatheart) know if you are interested and she can put you two in touch. MaryHer email; Tab.LincolnRockGathering@gmail.com
@renesadae - We have a 2016 and the awning fits with no problem with no modifications. Wonder if they changed the keder rail in the newer ones. (View Post)
Lake Bonaparte in the Okanagan region of north central WA. Second year camping here. Nice state park in on a very quiet lake (no wake... trolling motors only). No hookups, but solar did great! (View Post)
Just returned from a 2,300 mile trip traveling thru Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, and Idaho. Six T@b sightings! A shout out to all of you! * June 19 11AM a silver and black 400 just north o… (View Post)