Nice to see you got it fixed. Silly little problem that stalled a perfectly reasonable plan! Are those stainless bolts? I've seen some pretty drastic corrosion happen between steel bolts and aluminum… (View Post)
I don't blame you a bit for being aggravated. Lights should be minimal in a campsite. Where I was camping in March, there was a 'camper' on the other side of the campground, where the whole front of … (View Post)
I didn't realize they were selling the bmv-712 without the display! that probably would have saved me all that trouble trying to find a place to mount it! I don't use the display at all. (View Post)
+1 It's strange, the denial in all sorts of parts of our society. I mean, the 'spring break' kids I could understand, as I was about as self-centered and oblivious at that age. But it's not just the … (View Post)