Yes. We have two 11# tanks (only one fits in our tub), b/c I wanted to be able to swap one out when necessary, to take to get it filled. Remember that that the cylinder 'rack' will need some modifica… (View Post)
@"Tabaz ", a few thoughts...An actual circulator pump probably wouldn't suffice for refilling. I think you'd need a pump that's designed for pumping, rather than simply circulating, because… (View Post)
@Olena, I bought one of these, when we first got the Tab and I was trying to 'get everything we might need' (of course we ended up not needing it, because ours fills easily). (at Camping World) (View Post)
+1 What Verna said. Also, if you have a GFCI outlet, be sure it's not 'tripped' (there should be a reset button on the face of it - and this one GFCI outlet usually protects all the outlets on that c… (View Post)
Victron SmartSolar Charge Controller with Built-In Bluetooth - MPPT 75/15, with the Victron Bluetooth Battery Monitor Haven't tried any other (modern) controller. I am very happy with it. I like that… (View Post)