Excellent! Problem is, the Tab doesn't have a 'hallway'... It would be the perfect way to counterbalance my spare tire on the tongue, however. And the border guards would have a heyday with it! (View Post)
Davincaz, I've had problems with the 3-way's thermocouple connector coming loose from the control valve. It happened a few times, I assume from vibration, and resulted in me not being able to get the… (View Post)
The design problem of the 'boxed' ac unit is that it needs more ventilation. The ac unit's intake air (cooling) goes through the same vent grating on the outside wall as the warm exhaust air, and the… (View Post)
(I think I figured out what Jenn was saying... "I used to have a nice little market where I bought produce and meat and...") ;) Those little markets are the best... (View Post)