@ColoradoJon Well yeah, I've sometimes had good luck, and sometimes not... But never have I had a battery that lasted as long as 'since 200'! =) (Maybe that's a typo?) 2000? (View Post)
I'm with @Photomom. The Aeropress makes absolutely perfect (& easy) coffee. But I've learned something this morning about the Aeropress. Went to use some of the leftover drip grind that I have si… (View Post)
I stayed at a "campground", with a nearly paved site, where I turned the Tab around, oh it must have been 390 degrees, before I realized that the best view was really pretty much the first … (View Post)
Hmmm! Maybe I've been sitting around the coffee cup too late in the morning to catch it! The dog hasn't wanted to go out in the morning for a few days now. Maybe that's a sign! (View Post)
There was one Tab on here, pulled by a VW diesel, I think, that got fuel mileage in the high 20's... But then again, can you really trust VW re their diesels anymore? ;) =) (View Post)