This comes up every so often in the threads on this forum. It's funny, every other photo I've seen of this caulking job looks exactly the same, as mine does! The manufacturer must think no one is con… (View Post)
Age of RV. That's an interesting filter. Makes me wonder what exactly they're filtering out. Also makes me think I'd really prefer to be filtered out! (View Post)
ScottG, yes, that's where I was concerned about - that side trim. I couldn't tell where those 'tunnels' ended up, so I stuffed the stainless scrubbies in there. That back 'pan' that you refer to conc… (View Post)
@Homebodyatheart, I'm pretty sure that they've proven that when falling asleep with a manual on your lap (or preferably, on your face), you will absorb the information contained in said book, automat… (View Post)