I use a car-top carrier and a waterproof bag. The bag holds two large camp chairs, a large folding camp table, the Shade Wing, an outdoor rug and other miscellaneous odds and ends. I don't have a pho… (View Post)
Thanks to both @ScottG and @dsfdogs. It would be terrific to see the sandhills in migration. Thanks for the heads up and I'll be sure to toss the binoculars in with my camera gear! Dog food was a con… (View Post)
@AnOldUR - if the dealer you chose is who I think it is, your camper will likely be stored in their overflow lot, remote from the dealership proper. You can PM me for more detail if you'd like (View Post)
Thanks for the added photos @Viajero, the last couple were particularly enjoyable. Somewhat less enjoyable were the pictures showing you charging. The photos demonstrate that the Tesla charging netwo… (View Post)