Thanks everyone. I will definitely get the Curt Jack Foot that @Bayliss suggested...seems like a good tool to have in the toolkit! And I have some pieces of 2x lumber, so I think that I'll cut that u… (View Post)
@Sharon_is_SAM I had looked at those and liked the idea of it being clear and you could see if gunk has built up inside. I was a bit scared that the flat to round nature of the hose wouldn't hold up … (View Post)
+1 for this... I did the same thing...You need to unscrew the existing regulator from the grill itself, and then attach the quick connect adapter. From there, you just snap the gas hose on to the ba… (View Post)
@pjalau Great progress on your repair. I'm more than impressed that you've been able to dig all that rot out and get the body completely separated from the frame. Look forward to seeing how the resto… (View Post)