@TomCanada I stand corrected. The interior wall panels are Azdel. The thinness and general feel is a lot like the thin luan ply found in many other RVs. But NuCamp says it's Azdel, and I believe them… (View Post)
@jenniferlzr Check out my install: https://tab-rv.vanillacommunity.com/discussion/11078/hardwired-hughes-power-watchdog-in-2021-t-b-400 Installing behind the drawer below the wardrobe closet is a gr… (View Post)
The Weber Q 1200...the regulator that comes factory installed can be simply un-installed, replaced by a quick connect adapter. Very easy. The T@B 400's auxiliary propane connection is already regula… (View Post)
I've found what others have recommended, which is to simply turn on the propane cook top for a few minutes - boil some water for tea if you like, but just having them on for even 5 mins, really takes… (View Post)
On many grills, you can remove the regulator and replace it with a low pressure quick connect (as equipped on the 2021 T@B 400). That is what I've done on a new Weber Q and I use it with the rear mo… (View Post)