I can confirm that our factory Lithium install on our '23 400 uses 2/0 wiring. I can also confirm that the disconnect switch only turns off the 12v loads. With my disconnect off my Victron still oper… (View Post)
Installed an MK3 today so I could program my Multiplus. They have a USB C version now. Glad I did as it had some settings wrong. Most notably it had temperature compensation enabled. I put the MK3 in… (View Post)
Guys I just purchased a '23 400 that had the Lithium upgraded done immediately after purchase. They added a solar input port close to the shore power input and installed an additional CC for it. It's… (View Post)
On RV trader it's hard to know what packages the TAB 400s have. The dealer closest to me in Missouri has these prices: 400 Boondock: $41,270 400 Boondock Black Canyon: $42,825 400 Boondock Black Cany… (View Post)