In Western Washington/Portland I’d go to Apache. In Eastern Washington I’d stick with RnR Liberty Lake, and avoid RnR north Spokane at all costs. I bought from RnR Liberty Lake and have been very hap… (View Post)
@PNWtabber first, start with a mature apple tree. When the snow melts, prune carefully and save “the perfect” branch. Be in too much of a hurry to bother sanding the nubs off. Besides, they add chara… (View Post)
The Anderson Levelers fit perfectly over the passenger side wheel well under the bench seat. I just bought stabilizer pads, so for now they’re in the TV. (View Post)
I’m SO excited to be able to go to my first T@bazona! I’m registered, now to wait for site info! This retirement stuff sure has its advantages! =) (View Post)