@ELK You might also want to email NuCamp about your dealer experiences, both good and bad. A NuCamp rep told me this spring that they value our feedback because the dealers are the "face of the … (View Post)
Mr. Homebody and I just installed the new lock the other night. Yes, it took longer than the reported 10 minute install, but the directions were clear and I'm satisfied. Oh, and yes the beep is loud.… (View Post)
@GATabber you each lift a leg up and over and drag the other two. Just go slowly. There are probably neighboring campers who will offer help, too. Don’t forget you can turn your Tab to get the best v… (View Post)
@GATabber I did the same setup last summer, but helped a friend put the Coleman 13x13 over her Scamp last weekend. The Coleman is easier than my WM one, so I might sell it and buy the easier one at C… (View Post)