@dragonsdofly awwww shucks! You both lived through it, we just cheered from the sidelines. Thanks though! =) So I’m wondering how much you are missed by Mr Dragonsdofly’s sheep.... and does he miss “… (View Post)
I forgot to add that it’s been my experience that the larger and roomier the trailer, the less time the occupants spend outside. Just another thought... =) (View Post)
@dragonsdofly I’m glad you are getting answers, company and food! Can’t help with the sheep much as I’m allergic to lanolin, but I saw(ok, closed my eyes for most of it) a sheep butchered when I was … (View Post)
The 2017 with issues has one rectangular side vent and front vents. The later 2017 has two rectangular side vents by the door. I’ve got the later one, 320S, love it and have no problems other than th… (View Post)