If you want to get more accurate readings on the batteries' state of charge, but don't want to commit the time and money to a hardwired battery monitor, you can spend about $10 and get an Innova vol… (View Post)
I hear conflicting rumors that the OEM Harris 6V AGMs nuCamp is currently using are actually rebranded US Battery AGM2224s. If so, here's the link. http://www.usbattery.com/products/us-agm-batteries/… (View Post)
Resting voltage is what you really care about. If you're reading 12.2 with no load on the batteries, you're probably ok as far as battery charge goes because you're still over 50%. But consider gett… (View Post)
To paraphrase a sage contributor, if an extended discussion keeps him--or anyone else--from destroying his T@B, burning his house down or electrocuting himself, it's a discussion worth having. (View Post)