I received the new panel from Truma late last week while we were away camping. I had some time this morning to test it out and I'm happy to report that it works like a charm. Shout out to the great p… (View Post)
"The RV stores are stocked with gadgets and gizmos. Very, very few are needed." I definitey agree with this. I did buy a stinky slinky and an Americanizer but I've never used them. The cass… (View Post)
You can connect the cassette toilet tank to the stinky slinky using "The Americanizer" https://www.amazon.com/Americanizer-Adapter-Cassettes-Portable-Toilets/dp/B098BMXGCQ (View Post)
Amazing weekend in Achray part of Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. No music, no electricity, no generators, sadly no fire due to the fire ban but LOTS of mosquitoes lol. So beautiful and… (View Post)