Looks good, you people (Jenn and you) in the know about what the factory can do as an upgrade! We wanted a more durable material for the cushions, didn't realize they could do it. We've found that ha… (View Post)
For me my memory has always sucked, as a pilot it's all about check lists. After many trips this summer my checklists are still being updated. Like this one, but it may be false economy, you activate… (View Post)
Two solar controllers and the shunt (I think) in the same place, I'm jealous. I decided the effort of re-running the wires didn't make sense so I kept the shunt in the bin. I also wasn't completely s… (View Post)
@pthomas745 In answer to your question re my "parasitic drain": The battery switch has been off during the week and the shunt only shows a draw of 2 watts now with the switch still OFF. I s… (View Post)
The picture isn't pretty (rainy) but I had some fiberglass tent poles I put together and created a tube in the opposite edge of the keder rail, same length as the what was in the rail. Then sewed tab… (View Post)