The Alde control panel (which is in the direct path of the draft) is reading 52 and the thermometer on the other side of the trailer is 68! (View Post)
When I called to get my T@B insured my agent specifically warned me to avoid drive thrus. She had a client that peeled most of his RV's roof off at McDonalds. Most drive thrus have less than 7 feet c… (View Post)
Facebook tends to get unfiltered add-on posts. Somebody mentions they're having trouble with X and before you know it people are like "OMG, T@Bs are junk!" I follow a number of FB T@B pages… (View Post)
And it is a general opinion that folks who HIDE geocaches using smartphones should take up some other hobby (I am being kind here.) I use a Garmin 62S for hiking and geocaching (I'm a hider as well … (View Post)