We had to use the BAL this past weekend. It didn't look that unlevel to the eye, but we would have ended up using several lego blocks, which I don't really like to do. We carried the BAL in the pizza… (View Post)
You also need to be level if you're running the Cool Cat for an extended period, or a slight tilt to the driver's side, so that it drains properly. I had my T@B four years before getting the BAL, but… (View Post)
You don't need to put the lego blocks under the tires unless you're unlevel, then put one or two under the low side. I use a BAL, as I find it much easier to adjust, especially if I've turned the T@B… (View Post)
Many first-time RVers will do "camp driveway" before heading out. As you camp near home keep a check list and purchase list. It's a good way to find what you need but don't have in the T@B. (View Post)