Dale and another member came up with a clever way to keep the hot exhaust air from mixing with the cool intake air. It requires two of those expandable clear plastic vent covers. I believe someone sa… (View Post)
Verna - I bought a bottle jack from Harbor Freight and carried it with me for a year. Decided to see if it actually worked one day and it was defective. (View Post)
Does anyone have a photo of the new standard toilet paper holder being installed by the factory? Jeff - I use a Costco plastic nut container. The TP fits inside perfectly. (View Post)
More clues on the Alde vibration problem at higher altitudes. Two weeks ago I camped at 5,300 feet elevation. Nighttime temp 32. Alde worked fine with no unusual noises. This weekend camped at 7,350 … (View Post)
Search "Alde freight train" for a discussion on this topic. I've experienced the same problem at higher altitudes. Allegedly, Alde has a kit to remedy this issue. I've been waiting for said… (View Post)