Most T@B owners have never owned a T@G or any other teardrop. It would be hard to form an opinion without previous experience. I vote NO to me moving down to a T@G, as I have owned two teardrops. I s… (View Post)
ScottG makes an excellent point to make certain that you are getting 110V to the T@B’s. I always turn the air conditioner on to make sure. I can’t remember if GFCI (ground fault) outlet on the driver… (View Post)
@PamandJohnUpNorth, please contact This is a known problem and they know how to fix it, and rather quickly, I might add. They fixed mine before I left the factory, before it wa… (View Post)
Drilling that first hole can stop some owners for a while ;) I know this was a special order T@B 400, with special attention to proper placement of the necessary Zamp plugs. (View Post)
@rcuomo, @dvgibson has a T@B 400 with the batteries inside, under the bed. Personally, I wouldn't want to leave the cargo door open with the wires hanging out when I would want to connect my Zamp 200… (View Post)