Thank you, @BrianZ! Brian, the 400 was great while I was fulltiming. But once I found my “dream” home, the 400 seemed too large for shot weekend trips. I went back to the 320 size. I can tell you, if… (View Post)
I have a folding eBike, not the most expensive. I use it mostly in Arizona in the winter in the campground, and it is a knee saver. I don’t use the assist going downhill to the office that is 1/2 mil… (View Post)
@deuce, those particular Sterilite containers only lasted about a year in an unheated, un-air conditioned storage unit. Watch for structural integrity problems after the winter, then in the heat of t… (View Post)
Just food for thought about a learning experience with a sway bar... A friend visited this weekend and moochdocked in my driveway. She asked me to help her decide if her Some Other Brand of camper wa… (View Post)
@PNWtabber, look on the left side of this page for Categories, click on User manuals, click on Winterizing Manuals, and select the appropriate one for your year of T@B. The necessary photos should be… (View Post)