The topic of locked propane access comes up here and on the T@G forum, as well as any other trailer forum I looked at. I dug up and read the “NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles” to see what… (View Post)
Let’s not overlook the old school method. My 5/4 x 6 boards cost me nothing (left over from a deck project), work every time, I won’t be too worried if I drive off and leave them, and I can split and… (View Post)
That does indeed look like a negative symbol! I just looked at three deep cycle lead acid batteries that I have in the garage and they all have the negative terminal on the right side of the battery … (View Post)
We also have the 11 lb tank that we use for a fire pit and stove. And it’s a nice backup for the main tank if I happen to run out. Lowes has a Flame King tank for $70. It’s the taller skinny one that… (View Post)