@AnOldUR Excellent points. And thanks for clarifying (correcting) my math on the electrical draw. I had thoughts about that after I posted. I've always been a better mechanic than electrician! Our to… (View Post)
I took the same approach as @Yoshi_TAB for the mod but drilled and tapped the metal bar rather than use t-nuts. It takes some contortions to get things marked but overall it’s a relatively easy mod, … (View Post)
It’s interesting how folks approach things differently. We have a ‘21 320 BD and chose to keep the AmpereTime battery in the front tub solely because we didn’t want to give up the inside storage! Our… (View Post)
We made a trip in mid-April this year to Chaco Canyon, NM and Hovenweep, UT and it blew a lot! We never did use our pop-up clam shelter or EZ-up canopy. I don’t know if earlier in the year would make… (View Post)
I just wanted to share my recent experience with a lithium battery in cold weather. We have a 100 aH AmpereTime (now LiTime) LiFePO4 battery mounted in the front box of our 320 Boondock. It does not … (View Post)