:rofl:, @TerryV6, Sounds to me like SOMEBODY slept through math class! ;) Guess at this point, a do-over is absolutely out of the question, huh? :s Interesting conversation, and every time one of thi… (View Post)
I'm still laughing RZRBUG! I wish I could tell you how many times I've seen and heard that very same conversation with the same results. I will have to tell you the really funniest one was the when t… (View Post)
Thankful for lots of good friends, and family, (including the folks here) that have helped get me through a very trying year. Thanks to you all, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! (View Post)
Just goes to show 'ya Dragons DO fly! I'm quite sure there are an abundance of folks here that are very happy to hear you're on the road again & NOT "STRANDED"!!!!! :) (View Post)