@Ratkity I am already in awe of Vernas' scroll work! I have met a number of very talented woodworkers in my travels and am always struck by the patience and skill (and raw talent) that it takes to pr… (View Post)
In truth, the vacuum has a critical role in our day to day life. My dear wife is very not fond of spiders. Enter the dustbuster... Or, as I like to call it, the "Whirling Vortex Of Death". … (View Post)
@jkjenn Unfortunately I bought two of these boxes several years ago when rewiring my 60volt electric tuk tuk and seem to be unable to find them again online. I did some looking around and found some … (View Post)
@dsatwork Ummmmmmmm.... Not sure how to say this... Square head (Robertson head) is a Canadian thing. Widely used in all industries here especially building trades. You've got some smart Amish in Ohi… (View Post)
@KBaggins1 Here ya go- Materials are 3mm and 6mm baltic birch and 1x 2,3,6 pine @jkjenn "Lip" is easy to create using off the shelf house framing straps from any big box bandit. Cheap too! … (View Post)