Jenn - I used a few pieces of the Command picture Velcro stuff in addition to the two top screws. So far they have seemed to help - one of the top screws worked itself out of the hole and I've had to… (View Post)
I, too, got one of these thinking I'd use it because I knew I'd miss my toaster oven (and regular oven at home). But so far I haven't tried anything. You've revitalized my desire for having some bake… (View Post)
Here's a few thoughts about traveling/camping solo (I'm still somewhat new at this so I'm sure others have lots more to offer): 1. We can do this --- I was nervous in the beginning (hooking up, backi… (View Post)
I've been on the road for a few months and have used my Zamp portable a lot. However, from day 1 I had an issue with one of the legs (way too loose). First they sent me a new part of the leg assembly… (View Post)
Jenn - I can relate. My hair does not feel good (nor look good) if I don't blow dry it. Of course now that I'm on the road constantly I have to revert to a hat (especially since I hike almost every d… (View Post)