Propane hose and fitting--where to get a new one

Hello, everybody--
So we went to use our propane for the first time since purchasing our T@b, and the cylinder was empty. So we switched out for a filled cylinder, hooked it up, and discovered that the seal is gone right behind where the fitting attaches to the tank. Any idea where to get a new one? Can we just go to a hardware store?


  • RadRad Member Posts: 516
    edited May 2015
    Kats said:
    Hello, everybody--
    So we went to use our propane for the first time since purchasing our T@b, and the cylinder was empty. So we switched out for a filled cylinder, hooked it up, and discovered that the seal is gone right behind where the fitting attaches to the tank. Any idea where to get a new one? Can we just go to a hardware store?
    I would try your local RV dealer, they must have a repair shop and may carry parts.

    For me I know I never switch tanks, I get mine filled because I keep my tank in excellent shape and have no leaks and I'm never sure what a replacement tank will be like or how the valve will work until it is connected and then it is to late. 
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Ditto - RV service shops, every one I've been in has had propane parts.
    Unlike Rad, I switch out tanks all the time. I found over the 7-months on the road that in many areas (probably most) that's your only option. But, when possible I choose which tank out of their supply they give me - "give me that one, that nice new shiny one"
  • mash2mash2 Member Posts: 584
    Switch out as well.  Don't care about shiny, just go be weight to try to make sure it is full (like PXLated, no option to easily refill.
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Going across southern Kansas last fall, propane replacement was far and few between - farm coops and Walmart were it.
  • RadRad Member Posts: 516
    There are two other considerations besides condition of a tank that speaks in favor of refill.

    If your tank is not completely empty you have lost that propane, you can't just top up your tank as you head out.  It would appear most exchange programs under-fill the tanks to only 15lbs.

    Here is a link 
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    I've never been shorted as far as I can tell - The ones I've traded have lasted as long as the ones I've filled. I'd prefer being able to have kept my two bright shiny new tanks but that was not an option. And, a pound or two here or there is the least of my worries ;-)
  • RadRad Member Posts: 516
    PXLated said:
    I've never been shorted as far as I can tell - The ones I've traded have lasted as long as the ones I've filled. I'd prefer being able to have kept my two bright shiny new tanks but that was not an option. And, a pound or two here or there is the least of my worries ;-)
    What? You have more important things to worry can that be =)
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    As amazing as it may seem, yep ;-)
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