2021 Glass Stove Top Interference fix?



  • jredderjredder Member Posts: 12
    nothing new to add on the deficits but I do have a photo of what i did to keep the original unit and add what @GregChris mentioned. Command clips.
    2021 TAB 320S
    2021 Rav4 Prime
    Pacific NW
  • patti_vpatti_v Member Posts: 1
    I have nothing to add, but just want to thank everyone here for all the ideas! I've been thinking it is just me, or some trick that I don't know. Fiddled with the level to drop the front a little in hopes it was a balance thing. Have had it crash down on a pot of hot water and knock the pot off the stove (and onto my foot). Basically at wits end, so I now just ignore the stove and use the Blackstone grill outside. 

    Now there is hope! I'll fiddle with the hinges a bit, and also call NuCamp to try to get a replacement. 

    On a related note, I keep one of those microfiber dish drying mats on top of the (closed) cover. Adds some padding, absorbs water, washable, foldable, and comes in lots of colors! 
    2022 T@B 320 Boondock - newbie owner
  • Basil48192Basil48192 Member Posts: 350
    @patti_v.  I guess I'm a glutton for punishment!  I just installed my third glass top on my 2021.  I've been using the clip shown above for 3 years...but I recently had to remove the stovetop to address a propane leak.  I saw a replacement glass top on the nuCamp parts website for $39....so I figured I would give it one last try.  
    The original hinges were faulty when I took delivery, so Nucamp provided a replacement under warranty.  That one lasted just a few months before a friend forced it closed without 'lifting up'.  I received $39 unit last week and installed it.  So far, so good.  I'm thinking of putting a huge warning sign on it so everyone remembers to lift up before trying to close it.  We'll see!
  • MaxcampMaxcamp Member Posts: 288
    edited May 2024
    Jan. 2021 320s.  Same issue with failed hinge holdopen within days of second hand purchase. 
    We use a plastic spring clip on front window frame to hold glass open.  Yes it interferes with blinds but we have almost never used the inside stove, preferring to keep water vapor and more outside the cabin.

    2021 T@B 320S Boondock/ 2012 Tacoma 4 cylinder truck / 2023 Tacoma 6 cyl. truck

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