I do not personally have this cover (yet) , but was thinking about getting it . Just havent pulled the trigger yet , lol . If @MuttonChops says its holding up , thats a good enough review for me !
2023 Ford F150 Sport 3.5 Ecoboost 2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD, Grey / White 2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior ! 2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD
So far has held up in the FL sun and rain. Put it on in December 2019, still have it on. I have all 3 windows cracked to the first open/latched position, and I have a container of Dollar Tree brand of Damp-Rid in it. Just scrolled down Amazons page further and it is the same cover 80-399-161001-RT. They are not real thick, but they are made really well.
We use the same cover as @MuttonChops and @Tampakayaker (for two years). No exterior damage or mold noticed. We use the cover year round to protect from tree sap, bird droppings, UV light, etc. Our storage location is on the leeward side of the house and in the shade.
I wouldn't be without one for the winter, but I do live in snow country so it's mostly to keep off snow and ice and protect from roof-rake damage. I have the heavy-duty (but expensive) PahaQue cover that just saw its fifth winter and is still in very good shape.
People! thank you for the advice and input! We get our 2020 320-S next week...and I thought I would turn over a new leaf and think ahead..got to start sometime.
My only experience with covers was when I was at a small boy's school in Colorado. We couldn't have cars until our senior year . One guy bought his new gas-guzzling, go-fast machine over the summer. That fall, to protect his baby, he put a car cover on it. Well, there are sometimes (often) high winds along the Front Range in Colorado. The next weekend he uncovered his car and found the wind and wind-blown sand under his car cover has sandblasted the paint down to bare metal in many spots. I've avoided covers ever since. You might check with King Canopy to see if the have a garage or carport that might suit you. www.kingcanopy.com. or Google "Carports." There are several other brands of essentially the same thing. Get the white cover. I have found white will last about four years but the other colors only last a year or two. King Canopy replacement covers go for about $100.
I just put on my 3rd PermaPro version of the classic accessories, and 1 of the cheaper version. I've only been getting about 16 months before the combination of sun and rain rot the fabric. They start to tear and instead of rip stop, it's rip GO...
Still cheaper than building a garage or renting a space. We bought our camper from someone in Portland, OR area, and they didn't cover it for the first year, and there was some sun fading on some parts. The cover is a must as far as I can tell.
2015 Max S Outback | 2010 Xterra -- Retired 2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
My Boondock is in my Florida garage. But if I were to store outside I would cover. Also place pool noodles on roof between cover and trailer for air circulation. Also depending on number of critters in area leave windows latched on second “security” latch.
2022 TAB 400 Boondock, 2019 Toyota Tacoma Sport 4x4 2018 TAB 320 Boondock (previous) Odessa, Fl.
I've used the heavier PahaQue cover for 3 1/2 years now, and it is still going strong..except for the rip I put in it with the end of a painter's pole while removing it. I always lock covers on the Tab and other cars down tightly. I use spring clips and remove any slack and prevent any (well, most) movement.
I reached out to nuCamp about their recommendations with respect to a cover. While they officially recommend one, it seemed to be more related to physical debris/damage than anything else. I recall asking if using a T@B year-round in the rain/sun would be a problem and they seemed to think that would be fine.
We found a storage facility that was away from any trees/overhangs and on gravel (away from any grass/fields). One benefit is that the batteries are maintained by the solar panels in the off-season.
@GatorEgg's idea about noodles is a good one. With the Boondock light bar, vent cover and Yakima racks to drape over, our cover seems to have plenty of room for air circulation.
We've been using this one since 2017 & still in good shape. I like that the top area is white where it gets the most direct sun. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IU4BE6G
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
Now that we're parked for the winter, here's a photo of our neighborhood cat-approved cover referenced above (the cover's 4th winter).. We're not sure which route he took to get up there - the back slope is not as steep, but the front storage bins would give an easy start. Will need to inspect more closely for any claw marks. Our Ring security floodlight camera's motion detection didn't capture the cat's ascent because it's set for only humans, so only captured me taking his photo..
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
@VictoriaP, Yes that's a possibility I hadn't considered, though they are about 4-5' apart & the trailer is taller, so it would have been a difficult jump I think. I'm guessing he just ran up the back, as the fabric is tight & has tiny holes that could provide a grip.
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
We have a PahaQue cover and one thing we do is to put wide movers cellophane (available at U-haul) on the windows so the cover doesn't rub on the windows during the winter. We keep our windows polished with Meguiar's Plastic polish and the cellophane ensures the windows stay polished.
@Horigan Hello Rich. Have you had issues with scratching? I have the PahaQue cover as well. This is my first winter with my T@B 320 and the cover has been on about a month. Scratching from the wind was my main concern. I waxed the entire camper right before putting the cover on and secured it with additional tarp clamps and bungees. I might head over to U-haul to pick up some plastic. Is it adhesive on one side, or just static 'cling'?
We were getting very fine marks on the windows from the cover over the winter. It's hard to call them scratches, but it was clearly visible in the right light. The windows look awesome after polishing so we wanted to retain that through the winter storage
We used green painters tape to hold the cellophane in place. It doesn't cling to the window. It's a two person job.
We have a PahaQue cover for our 400 and it has caused some abrasions on the windows. Certainly not deep scratches but definitely abrasions, swirl marks, that are noticeable from the inside of the trailer. I would not use a cover unless you plan on putting some protection over the windows. After we noticed the marks we now have simply cut up a sheet and put them over the three opening windows. That should protect them over the winter. I guess that's what you have to deal with when having acrylic windows. This summer I'll try to polish out the abrasions.
@Horigan (and others), which Meguiar's do you use? They appear to have a number of products indicated for clear plastic (e.g., PlastX, #10 Mirror Glaze, etc.) and I'm not entirely clear on the differences.
I haven't noticed problems with my cover scuffing the windows, but I do have some light scratches from what appears to be someone dry-wiping a dusty window while still on the dealer lot. They've never bothered me much, but if there is something that will help reduce them I'd give it a try.
To add some breadth to options @ScottG, there is also the Novus Plastics Polishes brand. They come from an industrial background (instead of automotive, like Meguiar's). I've used the Novus brand for decades on acrylic and polycarbonate surfaces.
Nothing wrong with Meguiar's mind you, just another option...
Classic Accessories cover for me, with cheap tarp over top (tied down). Because the CA cover isn't waterproof, I feel better with having a waterproof cover on top. Also, when prolonged dry days are in forecast, I removed both for a day or two to "air it out". Not sure if it really accomplishes anything, but this gives me piece if mind.
I have a 2020 Tab320S. I have used it every summer almost every week, as I am a teacher on break during that time. When I’m not camping, I’ve used the Paha Que cover with much love. Now I’ve been able to raise my carport and slide my baby under it. Question….. should I also put the cover on, or let her breathe? She gets pretty dusty, but I sure love seeing her smiling at me each day. Would the cover do anything beneficial during the winter, or is the carport protection enough? Thanks! 🌈💙
@KimmieGuy I suppose it would depend on where you live and what the weather is like. I live in a pretty extreme climate, 10,200 ft with long cold winters. Just last night we spent the night in the T@b at the house and it got down to 29 degrees. But we stayed warm and toasty. But even where we live I uncover our 400 around May and we camp until mid to late October. During that time it is uncovered and stored in the open and all is well. If I had a covered carport I would certainly keep it uncovered during the camping season. And, depending on where you live I may even keep it uncovered in the winter. If the winters are harsher then I'd probably cover it during the winter. I feel the cover helps keep ice and snow from building up on it. However I would cover the windows to prevent scratching that can occur due to the cover rubbing on them. We cut some soft sheets up and use those to protect our windows during the winter when it has the cover on. They simply go over the windows and are pulled inside around the edges. The windows are then closed and that holds the sheets in place. I know others have used plastic wrap as well on the windows but I prefer to have the sheets as they are reusable each year.
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
I do not personally have this cover (yet) , but was thinking about getting it . Just havent pulled the trigger yet , lol . If @MuttonChops says its holding up , thats a good enough review for me !
2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD, Grey / White
2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD
Classic Accessories PermaPro RV Cover for 10'-12' long x 6' Wide Tear Drop Trailers, Grey (Limited
So far has held up in the FL sun and rain. Put it on in December 2019, still have it on. I have all 3 windows cracked to the first open/latched position, and I have a container of Dollar Tree brand of Damp-Rid in it.
Just scrolled down Amazons page further and it is the same cover 80-399-161001-RT. They are not real thick, but they are made really well.
Tampa FL
2019 320 Boondock Edge - Sold Jan 2022
You might check with King Canopy to see if the have a garage or carport that might suit you. www.kingcanopy.com. or Google "Carports." There are several other brands of essentially the same thing. Get the white cover. I have found white will last about four years but the other colors only last a year or two. King Canopy replacement covers go for about $100.
Still cheaper than building a garage or renting a space. We bought our camper from someone in Portland, OR area, and they didn't cover it for the first year, and there was some sun fading on some parts. The cover is a must as far as I can tell.
2022 Ford F350 Tremor | 2022 Cirrus 620
2018 TAB 320 Boondock (previous)
Odessa, Fl.
We found a storage facility that was away from any trees/overhangs and on gravel (away from any grass/fields). One benefit is that the batteries are maintained by the solar panels in the off-season.
2019 320 Boondock Edge - Sold Jan 2022
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
We're not sure which route he took to get up there - the back slope is not as steep, but the front storage bins would give an easy start. Will need to inspect more closely for any claw marks. Our Ring security floodlight camera's motion detection didn't capture the cat's ascent because it's set for only humans, so only captured me taking his photo..
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
2020 Subaru Outback XT
Pacific NW
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2013 Toyota Highlander 3.5L V6
Hello Rich. Have you had issues with scratching? I have the PahaQue cover as well. This is my first winter with my T@B 320 and the cover has been on about a month. Scratching from the wind was my main concern. I waxed the entire camper right before putting the cover on and secured it with additional tarp clamps and bungees. I might head over to U-haul to pick up some plastic. Is it adhesive on one side, or just static 'cling'?
We were getting very fine marks on the windows from the cover over the winter. It's hard to call them scratches, but it was clearly visible in the right light. The windows look awesome after polishing so we wanted to retain that through the winter storage
We used green painters tape to hold the cellophane in place. It doesn't cling to the window. It's a two person job.
2013 Toyota Highlander 3.5L V6
2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
Leadville Colorado
I haven't noticed problems with my cover scuffing the windows, but I do have some light scratches from what appears to be someone dry-wiping a dusty window while still on the dealer lot. They've never bothered me much, but if there is something that will help reduce them I'd give it a try.
I used Clear Plastic Cleaner (17), then Clear Plastic Detailer (18). You can just use the cleaner to remove the swirls/light scratches.
2013 Toyota Highlander 3.5L V6
Nothing wrong with Meguiar's mind you, just another option...
2019 320 Boondock Edge - Sold Jan 2022
Check out this thread:
2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
Leadville Colorado