How to remove front cover of a Friedrich AC Chill?

JP2558JP2558 Member Posts: 221
Anyone know the trick to remove the front cover of a Friedrich AC Chill? One side easily comes undone but the other does not, and due it it's placement in the Tab 320 CS (near the floor) I cannot get a good view of what the obstacle is. In the warranty, it mentions the 'front grille removal tool' as not being covered by the warranty???

OR maybe the better question is how to I install some weatherstripping around the A/C?? From the inside I can see pockets of daylight and I'd like to seal those.

Thanks, Jerry 
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.


  • weaseldogweaseldog Member Posts: 17
    I have a 2014 T@B U....Friedrich in same place. To remove, I opened the cabinet above the a/c unit....lifted front grill up from bottom and then gently pried outward on the two top corner tabs (one on left side one on right side) to release the cover. Just go does come off to make cleaning it easy.
    2 Catahoulas and their Biped 
    2014 T@B Q in Mendocino CA
    TV: 2017 Jeep GC  4x4

  • JP2558JP2558 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2020
    @weaseldog, Thank you for the info. Mine is actually near the floor and removing the surface above it would be a challenge. I can get it started but it is a really tight fit on the upper left and I don't want to risk breaking the cover.

    Thanks, Jerry 
    2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
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