
Repairing the Accessory Box

joansiejoansie Member Posts: 19
We had noticed the accessory box was wobbly and when we got our Tab home I looked at it more closely. Like mentioned in one of the discussions there were cracks in the box. I decided to dig deeper. I found major cracks on the part screwed down to the tongue. I unmounted everything and went to repairing it. First I researched welding plastic. Then went out and brought a $17 plastic welder and a roll of metal screen. I proceeded to melt the screen over the cracks in the plastic. I melted in extra plastic rod in some areas to reinforce bad areas. I put screening on both sides of the cracks. I welded the Steele support and put new pop rivets to hold the plastic to the metal frame. Then I reattached the accessory box to the tongue using fender washers.
Ron and Joan, 2007 T@B Fireball, 2010 Forester The Pull T@B


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    WanderooWanderoo Member Posts: 553
    Oh, what a good job!!!  You are very handy, indeed.  I imagine as things present themselves, I will learn to do my own repairs, too.  I see you have a 2007 T@B.  Did you just notice the cracks this year? #:-S
    Beth, 2015 Toyota Tacoma (Ramblin' Rose), 2014 T@B S M@xx (ClemenT@B)
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    joansiejoansie Member Posts: 19
    Just brought it home from the camper store where I bought it. Had noticed it was lose when we hooked it up to bring it home April 5. That was when I noticed the cracks. Did a little research and figured out how I would fix it. Thought others might have the same problem and be interested in the fix. Guess not really.
    Ron and Joan, 2007 T@B Fireball, 2010 Forester The Pull T@B
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    The front storage box is a problematic component even on the newer LG built T@Bs. One T@B owner, Belva posted that their storage bin broke while they were on their very first outing with their new T@B. LG has added a metal brace internally to add rigidity to the structure since (last couple months at least). Belva will get her's replaced by a dealer under warranty. I have a 2013 T@B and after approximately 7,000 miles the storage bin on our T@B is cracked along the bottom on both sides. LG sent me a replacement which I installed last week. It includes the new metal brace, but I'm not overly optimistic about the design and am researching options now to install one of the common diamond plate aluminum storage boxes at some point down the road.
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