We had noticed the accessory box was wobbly and when we got our Tab home I looked at it more closely. Like mentioned in one of the discussions there were cracks in the box. I decided to dig deeper. I found major cracks on the part screwed down to the tongue. I unmounted everything and went to repairing it. First I researched welding plastic. Then went out and brought a $17 plastic welder and a roll of metal screen. I proceeded to melt the screen over the cracks in the plastic. I melted in extra plastic rod in some areas to reinforce bad areas. I put screening on both sides of the cracks. I welded the Steele support and put new pop rivets to hold the plastic to the metal frame. Then I reattached the accessory box to the tongue using fender washers.
Ron and Joan, 2007 T@B Fireball, 2010 Forester
The Pull T@B
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