Bike Rack Options-TAB Outback

We recently bought a TAB Outback and want to install a bike rack. However, we are concerned that the steel platform at the front of the camper (which is unique to the Outback) will prevent us from using the rack that goes over the battery and gas tank enclosure (it is the rack that is advertised and for sale on Little Guy's website). Does anyone have any experience or suggestions to offer? We really want to take along our bikes on trips.

Another option might be - we use a Jeep Wrangler to pull the Outback. We were thinking about purchasing a Thule 2-bike rack that attaches to the spare tire in back. But we thought it might be a problem when making a tight turn or when backing up to have bikes on the back of the Jeep. To me, it looks like enough space between the vehicle and the camper but I'm not sure. 

Any and all insights are appreciated.


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