Hardwiring Progressive 30 Amp EMS Surge Protector

ReenieGReenieG Member Posts: 211
edited December 2020 in Modifications & Upgrades
I hardwired the 30 amp EMS surge protector into my 2018 T@B 320S. It wasn't too difficult to do but I had to relocate the outlet for the Alde heater over about 6 inches to make room for it. In the second pic you can see the hole above the EMS where I moved the outlet from. I mounted the readout on the outside of the cabinet next to the table pedestal so it would be out of eyesight but easy enough to see. I also didn't need to drill any holes by running the line through the heater vent.
I did the install at my storage so I haven't plugged in yet to see how everything works. It shouldn't be a problem since the unit comes with a lifetime warranty so even if it's not working, they would repair or replace it for me. I'll post an update once I get it plugged in. 
Click below for the link on Amazon:

2018 T@B 320S / 2024 Chevy Blazer RS AWD / Phoenix, AZ


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