Just replaced Danby AC in 18 320 CS-S with new Frigidaire AC with thermostat

I would like to thank all that contributed to prior threads on this, and to Sharon for pointing me in the right direction.  Danby worked, but not without my wife complaining about the noise, and that it never turns off.  So, as new as we are to this Camper, I decided Happy Wife, Happy Life.  Bought a new Frigidaire AC, 5000 btu, from Home Depot.  $199, ordered Tuesday, in the store on Friday for pickup.  While I had the old unit out, lysol wiped the inside of pan, the inner walls, etc.  New unit has digital thermostat, is the same size, and I modified it like the Danby coming out, meaning the back of the unit had diverter plates with metal tape, so removed and transferred.  Then drilled a hole in bottom of new unit, like the one the factory did to maybe drain near the drain line in the cabinet.  Took less than an hour, and powered it up, comes with remote, and even comes with foam strip that I was able to use as a bit of insulation around the sides and top by the bezel that was reinstalled, maybe to keep the noise from coming into the cabin a bit more.  For those interested, it has a mode that turns off the panel lights while sleeping, has a  setting for eco, which cycles it on and off periodically, and remote means no walking across the Tab 320 to hit a button, kidding of course.  Take care all.  Mark


  • CrabTabCrabTab Member Posts: 457
    Interesting @Lawyerboy. I have a 5000BTU  Frigidaire w/thermostat that I use to keep the humidity down in my woodshop during the summer.  I may need to take some measurements when it comes off the storage shelf this year...

    2019 320 Boondock Edge
     - Sold Jan 2022
  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 610
    @Lawyerboy thanks for posting! The new A/C sounds like a perfect solution for the annoyances of the Danby.
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • 4ncar4ncar Member Posts: 1,072
    Indeed! I mean for real, the chance of stubbing ones toe in the night while walking across the t@b is great!😂😂
    TV- '16 Chevy Colorado LT Crew Cab-DuraMax
    2018 320S Outback
  • DougHDougH Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2021
    Good to hear...
    2021 Jeep Gladiator, 2021 tiny toy hauler, Austin TX
    Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max

  • gulfareagulfarea Member Posts: 524
    @Lawyerboy Can you give us the model number as Home Depot  has several and how did it fit in. Thanks Art
    2019 TaB 320 S Boondock Edge
  • LawyerboyLawyerboy Member Posts: 98

    Model #FFRE053WAE  and removal and install easy  remove bezel and see if any screws underneath the cabinet  mine had no screws up into the unit.  Unit needs to be lifted slightly in front to get over lip of plastic drip tray.  Pull it out  lay it on top of seating  I had a pillow for it to rest on.  Spin wings on the outlet box after unplugging old unit from outlet  gently pull off outlet cover.  New cord through groove and reinstall outlet with wings rotated back  plug in after plate cover pushed back on.  I wiped everything out with a Lysol wipe.  You also remove the tape from old and reapply the backing to the new unit  I had ac metal tape or whatever you call that tape ac techs use.  I used the foam strip around the unit front And reinstalled bezel  of course make sure no power to unit while doing this  good luck.

  • gulfareagulfarea Member Posts: 524
    @Lawyerboy Thanks, Art
    2019 TaB 320 S Boondock Edge
  • druthazerdruthazer Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2021
    I just replaced mine in 2017 Tab 320 swith Commercial cool 5000 btu from Walmart. Fits fine and moved the vent fins with new tape from old Danby... works great. See photo.
  • grassgdgrassgd Member Posts: 160
    Is the new Frigidaire AC unit any quieter when running than the Danby unit? As you know, the Danby unit compressor cycles on and off but the fan stays on all the time the unit is on.  I had thought about trying to modify the Danby unit to cycle the fan with the compressor instead of constantly running but if the Frigidaire unit is quieter when the compressor and fan is running, may consider switching too.
    2019 T@B 320S
  • LawyerboyLawyerboy Member Posts: 98
    The Frigidaire has an internal thermostat where it will run less and quieter and my wife is happier with it, so worth the replacement time, effort and cost.  Also has a remote and a sleep mode
  • BogieMeisterBogieMeister Member Posts: 120
    Based on your posting I purchased the same AC unit thru Amazon. it is basically the exact same unit as the Danby with updated controls. The exchange went as you described and I am extremely happy with the newer quieter unit. However I do have one question.  The new unit comes without a drain hole and the manufacturer says it does not need one. Accordingly the the condensation is splattered around internally to cool the unit. I once had an AC unit that occasionally spit a spray of water out of the back. If that is similar to what this unit does I believe a drain hole will end necessary to keep moisture from ruining the “not sealed” exhaust area.Your thoughts….
    Gerri (Gary) Ewing
    Montgomery TX (Birthplace of the Texas Flag)
    2018 320 S - "No Agenda Hacienda"
    Tow Vehicle 2023 Honda Pilot AWD

  • LawyerboyLawyerboy Member Posts: 98
    As I recall, I drilled a hole much the same the Danny had said hole in it. Just make sure you don’t go too deep into the unit. 
  • BogieMeisterBogieMeister Member Posts: 120
    I have installed the unit without drilling a hole in the bottom. However, I did create a small hole at the bottom in the aluminum tape used to create the rear exhaust cowling. Just in case there is an overflow. The new unit ran all day and the typical puddle under the trailer did not appear. Nor was the pan under the AC unit wet. Being concerned I took a peek inside the AC unit and found just a small amount of standing water. So, I guess  the people that designed these units actually knew what they were doing.
    Gerri (Gary) Ewing
    Montgomery TX (Birthplace of the Texas Flag)
    2018 320 S - "No Agenda Hacienda"
    Tow Vehicle 2023 Honda Pilot AWD

  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Bogie - is it noticeably quieter than the old unit? 
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • BogieMeisterBogieMeister Member Posts: 120
     At high speed at high speed It has the same DB rating as the Danby (59) but the advantage of this unit is it has multiple speeds that switch automatically. On high demand it runs at full speed once it nears the set temperature the speed slows down and the sound lessens considerably. In “Eco” mode, when  it reaches the set temperature it shuts off. Then every ten minutes it comes on at low speed for two minutes to circulate the air. So far I’m loving this thing. 

    One downside is that the vent is only adjustable left and right. So, I made a  12x4 piece of plastic added a curve and wedged it between the AC unit and the top bezel. The curve forces the air flow out and down. Problem solved.

    The unit also has remote sensing. It will run until the temperature at the remote location is reached. 
    Gerri (Gary) Ewing
    Montgomery TX (Birthplace of the Texas Flag)
    2018 320 S - "No Agenda Hacienda"
    Tow Vehicle 2023 Honda Pilot AWD

  • LawyerboyLawyerboy Member Posts: 98
    Glad you love it. My wife does too, and that was all I needed to know.  Easy upgrade. Be well.
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