battery and solar

My solar panel has never charged my battery and my solar panels have never supplied a charge. I have a 2021 Tab S. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Thank you.


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,059
    Welcome to the Forums.....
    Your installed solar isn't working?  How do you know your battery is not being charged by the panel?
    There have been installed solar panels that have been miswired or...not even connected. So, yes, stuff like that has happened.
    So:  Installed solar from the factory?  Do you have the Victron App? This will tell everyone...a lot.
    Do you have any other way to measure your battery state of charge?  Multimeter? 

    Do you know where the solar controller is?  A blue box?  A picture of that (properly sized for the Forums) will show quite a lot, also.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • tteamtteam Member Posts: 26
    The dealer installed a factory supplied solar panel on our 2020 (purchased June 2019), and it was not working.  It has a Victron controller, and the lights on the controller were not reading any energy input. Long story short, the panel misidentified the polarities, so what was listed as neg was positive and vice versa. We switched the polarities at the controller, and immediately received a reading on the Victron app of solar input. So, read the lights on the controller and compare to the manual (at least if Victron, and download the app.  Best of luck in solving your problem.
    Tteam, Wisconsin
    2020 TAB 320S Boondock Lite
    TV: 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
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