how to improve fridge cooling for 2013 Norcold with one fan

Mellow_YellowMellow_Yellow Member Posts: 347
My 2014 T@B Max has a wonderfully reliable Norcold 3-way fridge. This model of T@B has just a single vent beside the door and the fridge is equipped with one fan. Is there a way of adding an additional fan? Would an internal, battery operated fan inside the fridge improve cooling? Would it be worth adding a fan to the side vent? Here are examples I have found:

Interior fridge fan:,aps,253&sr=8-4

Add-on fan for side vent:,aps,253&sr=8-8

The problem I am trying to solve: During recent, abominably hot weather, running the fridge on propane, the fan was not keeping up and draining my battery like crazy. So I turned off the fridge to avoid overheating it and draining my battery during the hottest part of the day. 
2014 T@B 320 S "Sunny" - 2015 Toyota Sienna LE - British Columbia, Canada


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