Maintaining my Warranty

Hi, all.  I just took delivery of a Tab 320 Boondock.  We have now made two trips with it and thoroughly enjoy the camper.

Here is my question: I want professional installation of a cell phone booster, I want my camper modified to camp in the winter, and other work.  If I don't use a NuCamp dealer to do this work does it negate my Warranty?



  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,054
    The only way for any modification you make to "void your warranty" is if the modification you make causes some "related" part of the trailer to fail. If you install an antenna, and the fridge dies.....they would have to claim the antenna somehow made the fridge fail.  Many owners have done the things you plan to do.  Of course, the more drilling into the trailer you might do, the more risk you take, but if your work is responsibly done that risk is probably small.
    The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act is the law that is supposed to stop dealers of all kinds from bleating that "if you do "X" than your warranty is voided.  They still pull out this bogus card all the time, however.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
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