Norcold 4041 3-way fridge Error code 3

SnoblettSnoblett Member Posts: 99
Thetford/Norcold launched the 4041 3-way fridge sometime in Spring 2021.  This fridge is in my 2021 Tab400 BDE that came off the line late June 2021.

Some users are experiencing an Error Code 3 and unable to get the fridge to ignite on propane even after performing troubleshooting of clearing the propane lines of any air bubbles.

What has been diagnosed , unofficially from Thetford as they have not yet responded with a repair procedure, is that this problem only occurs when the fridge is in “Automatic” mode.  This is the mode on the digital display on the top front of the fridge that enables the refrigerator to prioritize Electricity, then Gas, then Battery and automatically switch between these modes when the camper is unplugged or the propane runs low, etc.

What is not widely known is that the propane CAN ignite if the user sets the refrigerator to propane manually on the digital display.  

The work around is to turn off your fridge altogether, then turn it on and manually select propane.  Listen for the clicking of the igniter. You may have repeat the process. 

Given that the propane is capable of igniting in manual mode, but not automatic mode, my theory is that this is a firmware issue that Thetford will need to address via the board.

My advice to users with this fridge: if your propane won’t ignite and you’ve performed the troubleshooting in the user manual, try setting it to propane manually as described above BEFORE contacting NuCamp.  NuCamp diverts all propane issues to Thetford automatically and you may be prompted to go to a dealer for repair prematurely (like me).
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