Norcold Refrigerator Exhaust Fan Kit

Just a few thoughts on the kit.

1 Is this fan kit for the removal of heat 
from the counter for the comfort of the 
trailer occupant.
2 Does it help with the operation of the 
3 Do you run it, when occupying the 
trailer or run it all the time.  
4 The A/C needs the fan to work more 
efficient, but the A/C is not used all the 

I have the fan kit and will be installing it, 
with the idea I will use it for our comfort,  
as our refrigerator works fine.  But, will 
change philosphy if I hear otherwise.


  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878

    1. Yes, the fan kit removes the hot air, drawing it from under the cabinet and exhausting it through the vent. My A/C actually ran less during the 90*+ days last week after the fan kit was installed.

    2. Yes, my fridge is now a constant 32*, not 37* to 42*, and I was in the process of dialing it in to be about 33*.  This means the fridge compressor should be running less. 

    3. Use it during hot weather or whenever the counter is too warm.  The hot air will be appreciated during the cooler months.  Use it all of the time when the extra heat is uncomfortable.  There is an on/off switch that is placed above the fridge so it can be turned off as needed.  Add the step to turn it off when towing, if you normally turn the fridge off when towing your T@B.

    4. The A/C 12V assist fan is only used when you use the A/C.  The fan removes the hot air from the A/C cabinet and exhausts it out the roof vent (at least that's the way mine is).

    Please install it.  Your T@B is under warranty and you do want to make sure your fridge is working properly while under warranty. 

    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • TweedrvrTweedrvr Member Posts: 122
    Verna, I'm just hearing about this.  Does my dealer obtain this fan kit and install it or do I obtain it and find someone to install it?  Also is it free or is there a charge.  My 12V vents under the fridge into the "channel" that runs the width of the galley.  I am assuming this is the fridge that is involved in this adjustment. Thank you.
    Martha in VT
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Tweedrvr - Not surprising you haven't heard about it, it's a 2-week old mod.
    If you have the 3-way fridge internally, this would apply to you. That fridge has a vent hole in the floor for incoming air and an exhaust vent out the passenger side forward of the door. Without the kit, heat builds up too much under the counter top. This kit draws this fridge heat out thru that side vent. The factory is installing it on all new T@Bs coming off the line and it's a free kit to current owners. You can have your dealer get it and install it or you can call the factory (ask for the fridge fan kit) and get it yourself.
  • TweedrvrTweedrvr Member Posts: 122
    Thanks, Verna.  Guess I'm safe as I "just" have the 12V (one-way) fridge.
  • TweedrvrTweedrvr Member Posts: 122
    Sorry, Verna.  Meant to respond to PXLated.  Having case of humidity in the brain housing unit!
  • FrankonsandFrankonsand Member Posts: 20
    While chasing a gas leak today on my 2015 t@b S max,  I realized that this fan was not installed. I’ve heard a fan running at times but think it is the one I found just above the gas heating assembly…. I vaguely remember the free kit but since I heard a fan at the time, I assumed that I already had the mod…I’ve gleaned from this thread that the upgrade kit mounts a fan just under the fridge cabinet vent found at the right side of the door. Did I get this right? 
  • rcarlson1957rcarlson1957 Member Posts: 203
    Frankonsand A lot of us have installed aftermarket fan kits that attach to the exhaust vent by the door and power them off the 12v connections under the stove. Here's mine. 
    2018 TAB 320S Silver/Black
    2020 Honda Ridgeline RTL (AWD) Lunar Silver Metallic
    Rick and Barbara - North Texas
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